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At Klang, we aim to provide not just smooth transcription tools but also practical features like…
The Dictaphone feature makes it easy to record and transcribe physical meetings and interviews.…
With Klang.ai, you can easily create automatic subtitles for your YouTube videos. With the…
When an interview, a meeting, or any other audio is transcribed in Klang.ai, an automatic speaker…
Streamline interviews with "Questions and Answers" The "Questions and Answers" feature is a…
Klang.ai features a smooth and user-friendly platform for creating and organizing projects,…
Klang offers two convenient methods for transcription and automatic creation of meeting notes in…
In most cases, transcriptions in Klang are generated almost flawlessly. However, we understand…
Klang.ai is a very versatile transcription platform, whether it involves interviews, meetings, or…


Sundstorget 3 252 21 Helsingborg Sweden +46 72 220 78 64
© 2023 Klang AI AB.